What Is The Average Income Of Someone Who Lives In Panama?

So you’re curious about the average income of individuals residing in Panama? Well, you’ve come to the right place! In this article, we’ll take a closer look at the financial landscape of Panama, exploring the average income earned by its residents. Whether you’re considering a move to this vibrant Central American country or simply intrigued by its economic status, we’ll provide you with the insights you’re seeking. Let’s delve into the numbers and uncover the average income of someone who calls Panama home.

Factors Affecting Average Income in Panama

Panama, a vibrant and diverse country in Central America, offers a range of economic opportunities for its residents. The average income of individuals in Panama is influenced by several key factors, including level of education, occupation, location, and experience. Understanding these factors is crucial for gaining insight into the dynamics of income distribution in the country.

Level of Education

The level of education is a significant determinant of average income in Panama. Generally, individuals with higher levels of education tend to have higher incomes compared to those with lower levels of education. This correlation can be attributed to the fact that higher education often equips individuals with the skills and knowledge necessary for pursuing high-paying jobs in various industries.


Occupation plays a vital role in determining average income in Panama. Different occupations offer varying levels of compensation based on factors such as job requirements, skills, and demand. Some occupations, such as those in the finance and technology sectors, tend to be associated with higher average incomes, while others, such as those in the service industry, may offer relatively lower income opportunities. The choice of occupation can therefore significantly impact an individual’s earning potential.


The location of an individual within Panama can also affect their average income. Income disparities exist between urban and rural areas, with urban areas generally offering higher income opportunities due to greater economic activity and access to diverse industries. Additionally, different regions within Panama may have varying average incomes, influenced by factors such as local economy, infrastructure, and job availability.


Experience plays a crucial role in determining average income in Panama. Typically, as individuals gain more experience in their chosen field, they become more valued by employers, which often translates into higher levels of compensation. Experience allows individuals to develop specialized skills, knowledge, and expertise, making them more competitive in the job market and increasing their earning potential.

Average Income Statistics in Panama

To gain a better understanding of average income in Panama, it is important to examine national average income, income disparities, and income distribution across industries.

National Average Income

As of 2020, the national average income in Panama was approximately $13,000 per year. However, it is important to note that average income can vary significantly based on the factors previously discussed. This national average serves as a benchmark for understanding income trends and patterns across the country.

Income Disparities

Income disparities exist within Panama, with certain segments of the population earning significantly higher incomes than others. Factors such as education, occupation, and location contribute to these disparities. It is important to address these income disparities to ensure equitable income distribution throughout the population.

Income Distribution across Industries

Income distribution across industries is an important aspect of understanding average income in Panama. Different industries offer varying levels of compensation based on factors like demand, skills required, and market dynamics. Industries such as banking, finance, and technology tend to offer higher average incomes, while sectors such as agriculture and hospitality may offer relatively lower average incomes.

Level of Education and Income

The correlation between the level of education and income is apparent in Panama, as in many other countries. Education plays a significant role in determining an individual’s earning potential, as it equips individuals with the knowledge and skills necessary for pursuing high-paying careers. Those with higher levels of education, such as university degrees or specialized certifications, tend to secure higher-paying jobs, leading to an increase in average income.

What Is The Average Income Of Someone Who Lives In Panama?

Impact of Education on Income

Higher levels of education often result in increased earning potential due to the acquisition of specialized skills and knowledge. Individuals who invest in their education through pursuing higher education degrees or vocational training programs are more likely to qualify for high-paying positions in their respective fields. As a result, their average income tends to be higher compared to individuals with lower levels of education.

Relation between Education and Occupation

Education and occupation are closely intertwined when it comes to average income in Panama. Higher levels of education often lead to higher-skilled professions, which, in turn, tend to offer higher average incomes. For example, individuals with advanced degrees in fields such as medicine, engineering, or law are more likely to secure well-paying jobs in their respective industries. Therefore, education serves as a stepping stone towards higher-paying occupations and subsequently affects average income levels.

Occupation and Income

Occupation is a critical determinant of average income in Panama. Different occupations offer varying levels of compensation depending on factors such as skill requirements, demand, and industry dynamics.

Income Variation by Occupation

Average incomes vary significantly across different occupations in Panama. High-skilled professions such as doctors, lawyers, and engineers tend to earn higher average incomes compared to entry-level positions in other industries. Occupations that require specialized training or extensive experience generally offer higher earning potential, reflecting the correlation between occupation and income.

Highest-Paying Job Sectors

Certain job sectors in Panama are known for offering higher average incomes due to factors such as market demand and the specialized skills required. The finance and banking sector, for example, often provides lucrative job opportunities with competitive salaries. Additionally, the technology industry, particularly software development and information technology, offers well-paid positions. These sectors are characterized by high demand for skilled professionals, driving up average income levels.

Lowest-Paying Job Sectors

While some sectors offer high average incomes, other job sectors in Panama may have lower average incomes. Industries such as agriculture, hospitality, and retail often provide lower paying jobs, reflecting the nature of the work and the skill levels required. These sectors typically involve manual labor or entry-level positions that may not require extensive experience or specialized skills.

Government vs Private Sector Jobs

The choice of working in the government or private sector can also influence average income in Panama. Historically, government jobs have provided more stability and reliable income streams, with generous benefits and pensions. The private sector, on the other hand, offers a wider range of income opportunities based on market dynamics, industry-specific demand, and individual performance. Both sectors offer a mix of high and low-income opportunities depending on the specific job role and responsibilities.

Location and Income

The location within Panama can significantly impact average income, reflecting the economic disparities that exist between urban and rural areas.

Urban vs Rural Income Disparities

Income disparities exist between urban and rural areas in Panama. Urban areas, particularly major cities like Panama City, tend to offer higher income potential due to greater economic opportunities, access to a wide range of industries, and higher demand for skilled professionals. Rural areas, on the other hand, may have limited job opportunities and industries, resulting in lower average incomes.

Regional Differences in Average Income

In addition to urban and rural disparities, there are regional differences in average income within Panama. Some regions, such as the Panama City metropolitan area, tend to have higher average incomes due to concentrated economic activity and opportunities. Other regions, particularly those in more remote or economically underdeveloped areas, may have lower average incomes. These regional differences reflect the varying economic landscapes and opportunities available in different parts of the country.

What Is The Average Income Of Someone Who Lives In Panama?

Experience and Income

Experience plays a crucial role in determining average income in Panama. As individuals gain more experience in their chosen field, they generally become more valued by employers, translating into higher compensation levels.

Impact of Experience on Income

Experience is highly valued in the job market in Panama. Employers often prioritize candidates with relevant work experience, as it demonstrates an individual’s ability to perform in a particular role and contribute to the organization. With increased experience, individuals often gain specialized skills, industry knowledge, and a track record of success, making them more competitive and eligible for higher-paying positions. As a result, their average income tends to increase as their experience grows.

Income Growth with Increased Experience

Income growth tends to accompany increased experience in Panama. As individuals accumulate more years of experience in their respective fields, they can negotiate higher salaries based on their track record and the added value they bring to organizations. The accumulation of experience fosters professional growth, allowing individuals to take on more challenging roles and positions with greater responsibilities, which are often associated with higher incomes.

Average Income Trends over Time

Understanding the historical trends and changes in average income is essential for assessing the country’s economic progress and identifying the impact of external factors such as inflation.

Income Growth Rate

Over time, Panama has experienced overall positive income growth rates. The average income has gradually increased, driven by factors such as economic growth, expanding industries, and increased demand for skilled professionals. The income growth rate provides insights into how the country’s economy is evolving and whether income disparities are narrowing or widening.

Inflation’s Impact on Income

Inflation can have a significant impact on average income in Panama. When the prices of goods and services rise faster than income, the purchasing power of individuals decreases, effectively reducing their average income. It is crucial to consider the impact of inflation on average income to understand the real growth or decline in living standards.

Income Distribution and Socioeconomic Classes

Understanding income distribution allows us to explore the composition of different socioeconomic classes within Panama and how they relate to average income.

Upper Class

The upper class in Panama is characterized by individuals and households with significantly higher levels of income compared to the rest of the population. This class often consists of high-ranking professionals, business owners, and individuals with substantial wealth or investments. The average income within the upper class is considerably higher than the national average and is associated with a higher standard of living.

Middle Class

The middle class constitutes a significant portion of the population in Panama. This class generally has moderate average incomes that enable individuals and households to cover their basic needs and have some disposable income. The middle class typically includes professionals, managers, and skilled workers who enjoy a relatively comfortable lifestyle but may not have access to the same resources and opportunities as the upper class.

Lower Class

The lower class is characterized by individuals and households with relatively low average incomes, often struggling to meet their basic needs. This class encompasses individuals in low-paying jobs, those with limited access to education and resources, and individuals facing various socioeconomic challenges. The average income within the lower class may be significantly below the national average, highlighting income disparities within the population.

Gender Pay Gap in Panama

Examining the gender pay gap is essential for understanding income disparities between genders and the factors contributing to this inequality.

Income Disparity between Genders

A gender pay gap exists in Panama, with women earning lower average incomes compared to men. This disparity can be attributed to various factors, including occupational segregation, biases in hiring and promotion practices, and women’s disproportionate representation in lower-paying professions. Addressing the gender pay gap requires efforts to eliminate gender-based discrimination and improve gender equality in education, employment, and leadership opportunities.

Factors Contributing to the Gender Pay Gap

Multiple factors contribute to the gender pay gap in Panama. Occupational segregation, where women tend to concentrate in specific industries or roles, can limit their earning potential compared to men who have greater access to higher-paying careers. Additionally, biases in the workplace, such as differential treatment and unequal promotion opportunities, can hinder women’s advancement and limit their average income. Balancing family responsibilities and societal expectations can also impact women’s career progression and earning potential.


Multiple factors influence average income in Panama, including level of education, occupation, location, and experience. By understanding these factors and their interplay, individuals and policymakers can work towards addressing income disparities and fostering economic growth. Efforts to improve access to education, promote equal opportunities, and eliminate gender-based discrimination are crucial for creating a more inclusive and equitable society in Panama.